El meu paper, a l’obra de “Qui a casa torna” de Harold
Pinter, la Ruth, torna a casa dels USA a Anglaterra, a l’antic barri marginal
on ella hi havia passat la seva infància i part de l’adolescència. N’està tipa
del seu bo, correcte i brillant comportament de dona perfecta,muller, i mare. Torna
als origens. Aquesta foto m’hi va fer pensar força. Aquests dies, aquells que
veniu a veure l’obra, potser la podríeu identificar amb ella també. Veniu-nos a
veure i la Ruth i la resta de la companyia estarem molt orgullosos d’ensenyar-vos
el que fem. Espero que us agradi. Amb amor, Karme.
My role, at
the "Homecoming"'s play, by Harold Pinter, Ruth, is coming back from
USA to England to her old and poor neighbourhood , where she lived during her
childhood and part of her adolescence. She's fed up of her good, correct and
brilliant role of perfect woman, wife and mum. She comes back to the origins.
This picture made me think a lot about her. These days, the ones you come to
see the play, maybe you could be identified with too. Come to see us and Ruth
and the rest of the company we will be proud to show you what we do. I hope you
enjoy it. With love, Karme.
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